The new Company Gateway for Business Organizations in Hungary
The new Company Gateway for Business Organizations in Hungary
What the Company Gateway is about?
For all Business Organizations, the use of the Company Gateway is required from 1° January 2018.
The official administration of the business entities, their contacts with the state administration bodies, their everyday communication, will have to be carried out electronically through the Company Gateway. The Corporate Gateway aims to bring possible the electronic contact between the Authorities and the business associations, reducing, and later triggering the paper-based contact and postal delivery of the official documents.
How to process the registration for the Company Gateway?
For the purpose of managing the Company Gateway, a natural person authorized to do so (Business Gateway) or any other user registered by the business organization is eligible for this Business Organization, but only one Company Gateway can be used by the business organizations.
Registration of an enterprise can be initiated online. The online, fully automatic registration of the Company Gateway can only be applied by the companies, registered in the company register. A further pre-requisite for online registration is that the company representative itself perform the registration on his own behalf.
Both the Registrar and the Business Rapresentant are required to identify themselves by means of an identification service provided by the State (Customer Gateway, Partial Telephone Identification, Electronic Identity Card).
Until when the registration has to be done?
The service of NISZ Zrt. Company Gateway starts on the 1st December 2017. Although the deadline for the registration can be fulfilled by the 30th August 2017, until the 31th December 2017 the registration can be fulfilled without any legal consequences.
Dr. Rózsa Boda – Dr. Lorenzo Amato - Law Firm Balint Halmos